Another great feature of our sale is the Online Item Entry and Tagging System! This system will make your job of tagging your items much easier – in fact, it’s fun. (Wee are not able to accept any hand-written tags. All tags must be generated through the barcoding system).
Once you’re registered to consign, start by entering your items.
To Enter Your Items
- Your log-in information box will appear. Sign in using your Consignor Number and Password.
- Consignor Item Entry page will appear.
- Click on “Work with my Consigned Items” (active inventory).
- Enter your item information one at a time.
- Use the drop-down box to indicate if your item is a toy, furniture, clothing, shoes, etc. Please note clothing category choices have consolidated to Clothing (boy/girl/junior girl & young men), Clothing-Outerwear (fall only) and Clothing-Formalwear (spring only), Clothing-Swimwear (spring only).
- Enter the size of your item (if applicable). Clothing sizes are specific by category, e.g. Boy/Girl, Junior Girl, Young Men and Maternity. If child size of X-Small (4/5), Small (6X), Medium (7/8), Large (10/12) or X-Large (14/16), please select the corresponding number size. If a range, always go with the lower of the two numbers, e.g. Medium, choose size 7).
- Enter a complete description (you have 2 lines to do this) including color, number of pieces, brand and/or character. PLEASE BE SPECIFIC. It helps us “search” the inventory for your item if a tag is missing. Also, on Young Men pants, specific sizes in descriptions are helpful, e.g., 28 x 30.
- Enter the price of the item.
- If you want your item to go 25% off on Friday and ½ price on Saturday, BE SURE TO CHECK THE “Check to Discount” box. If you do not want your item to go 25% – 50% off price, leave this box unchecked and your tag will print with “DISCOUNT: No.”
- If you plan to donate an unsold item, check the “Check to Donate Box.”
- After all your items are entered, click on “I’m finished for now.”
- This will take you back to the “Consignor Item Entry” page.
To Transfer Inactive Inventory to Current Sale
Returning Consignors: Please consider deleting ALL inactive inventory so your item numbers will start over at #1. If you transfer inactive inventory to active, your item numbers will continue sequentially from the last inventory item number entered. Some of you now have four-digit item numbers which makes hand-keying at checkout difficult. THANK YOU!
- Click pink Consignor Login Button from this page, and login your consignor number and password.
- Click on “Work with Consigned Inventory” (on sidebar).
- Click on “Work With Inactive Inventory.” All unsold, undonated items from the previous Wee-Cycle sale will be listed.
- Check the “Select” boxes for those items you want to move to Active Inventory.
Click “Make Selected inventory ACTIVE for Upcoming Sale” button. Items from previous sale will transfer to Active Inventory. - NOTE: Your Item Numbers for the new sale will continue sequentially from the previous sale.
- After all select items are transferred, click on “I’m finished for now.”
This will take you back to the “Consignor Item Entry” page. - IF you make ANY changes to the previous sale inventory, you must PRINT A NEW TAG. The old barcode will not reflect changes in price, discounting or donation.
To Print Your Tags
- Click either “Print all tags” or “Print selected tags” – This will open a screen where you can check which tags you want to print.
- Place your cardstock (#65 or #110) into your printer. White is preferred, but a light color is acceptable. NO DARK colored cardstock, e.g., navy blue, red, etc. The bar code scanner will not be able to read them.
- Your tags will print 6 to a page (2 rows of 3 tags per row). DO NOT adjust size of tags to accommodate more on a page.
- Again, if you have activated “inactive inventory” from a previous sale and have made any changes in price, discounts or donation, you must PRINT A NEW TAG.
Verification Forms
Verification Forms for car seats (must not be over 5 years old), Pack-n-Plays & Cribs must be completed and attached to item prior to drop off:
- Car Seat Verification Form
- Pack-n-Play Verification Form
- Crib Verification Form
- Stroller Information Form *NEW*
Recalled Items
Please check the Consumer Products and Safety Commission website at: for active product recalls. You can search by category from this page. Recalls are the responsibility of the consignor.
To Best Display Your Items
After your tags are printed, follow these instructions to ensure you’re ready to drop off your items and they’re ready to be sold!
- Wire or sturdy, tubular plastic hangers need to open to the left, like a question mark “?”. (No flimsy plastic hangers because they break.)
- Safety pin the card vertically to the right of the hanger hook (NO TAGGING GUNS please)
(e.g.,, where pocket would be on shirt). - Attach skirts, pants and shorts to TOP of the hanger
with two or more safety pins (NO straight pins, staples or tagging guns!). On bigger pants, especially teen, try weaving the safety pin through the pants to catch the hanger in the back. This will prevent the pants from sliding off the top of the hanger. - Button all buttons, snap snaps, tie bows and zip zippers.
- Put all clothing on hangers if possible (no Ziploc® bagged clothes if possible).
Items that are clean, pressed and well presented on hangers will sell better. - Hangers are not returned to consignor.
- For Sleep Sacks: please place in a Ziploc bag or fold. DO NOT use hangers.
- For shoes: zip-/cable-tie shoes together if at all possible (through lace holes, buckles, zippers, etc.). NO shoes in bags or boxes. Secure ONE tag on one of the shoes. Also, put consignor number, ITEM NUMBER, and price written on masking tape and secure it on the bottom of BOTH shoes. Shoes must be CLEAN, even the soles.
- For books: It’s best to price books individually, with tag taped on back cover (not inside & do not cover barcode completely). If selling a set, use a clear Ziplock bag (not rubber bands; do not tape) and put “like” books together, for example, chapter, board, easy readers, or by theme, Disney, Barbie, nature or science inside an UNSEALED bag (must be inspected), put top and bottom books with front covers facing out. A list of all books included should be taped to the inside of the bag. Tape tag on outside of bag for easy scanning.
- For games and puzzles, ALL PIECES MUST BE COUNTED and INCLUDED.
- Sheets and smaller blankets look neater in a Ziploc bag; however, do not seal the bag so they can be inspected.
- If you do not want the item to go ½ price, DO NOT check the “check to discount” box when entering your item into the system. If you do check it, your item will go half price on Saturday.
- Tape tags securely (top and sides of tag) to non-clothing items with masking tape ONLY. Please do not tape over barcode. Pin if at all possible.
- Items will be checked in at drop off.
- We reserve the right to refuse any item at our discretion.